The 1994 genocide survivors had been followed laughter yoga therapy during the periods of commemoration on 9th -13th April 2018 at Huye district .The training was organized by Rwanda Resilience and Grounding organization with supported by Victoria Rotary club and Western Australia Laughter yoga.

It was not easy because it was very hard to do laughter yoga practice for first days of sessions.The laughter yoga trainer Mr. Ernest RUKUNGA, KIM O MERA started to do laughter yoga practices themselves. After, they welcome every one from the room( trainees) to do practice as well. The body started to secret endorphins and the participants started have wellness , happy and smile.

The 4th day of laughter sessions changes positively mental status   of the trainees in Ngoma sector, Huye district. The troinees decided to make laughter yoga club and they called “ Duseke dukire< “Laughter for healing”

After, a months, we back on trainees club and we visited them and we get amazing outcomes from laughter yoga practice. Members of laughter clubs laugh together daily, or weekly. The healing effects of laughter are different for each person according to their physical, mental, emotional problems and needs. The overall objective was to analyze the effectiveness of Laughter Yoga in treating biological and psychosocial health in Rwanda. Some witness of the laughter yoga club members”

  • She said «before the training I had chronic headache, mood diseases, depression accompanied with the anger, anxiety, loss of appetite, dizziness. I drunk water to get discovering but it was not effective. Since I have been trained about Laughter Yoga, I have no pain, nor sufferings. I was consulted by the medical doctor and he confirmed that I had no disease».
  • She said that she had hypertension. Since she’s been trained her rate of hypertension is decreasing. To confirm this, she attends Laughter Yoga evaluation on May 25th, 2018 with her medical nurse who said that she was astonished to find that her reduction hypertension rate. He consulted her systolic blood pressure and always presented high blood pressure but now it decreases.

From data collected through observations, and testimonies, Laughter Yoga is an effective method to cure many mental, social and physical health disorders in a natural way. Laughter strengthens the immune system, reduces pain and lowers stress. All participants who laugh for good health become healthier as well. It means that laughter is the best medicine which can transform our lives and ensure health and happiness.

Samuel Habimana

Samuel Habimana